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Nele Wolfram

Using creativity for civic engagement.


Marie Nele Wolfram is a trainer for social activism, political participation, personal development, and project management. In 2014, she was elected as a member of the city council of her hometown Plauen, located in Eastern Germany, where she has been active in work against right wing extremism for many years. In 2017, she started the political campaign Informationen für Deutschland, using posters and social media to challenge anti-democratic assumptions and stereotypes before the national election. Nele studied International Relations in Dresden, where she founded a social charity network. As a project manager and co-founder of Impulse Boost Camp, she yearly creates a space for young social change makers from all over the world to share experiences and learn together on how to make political activism fun.
Nele lived in the USA, Paris, Burundi, and Tunisia before she moved to Berlin where she recently worked for the German Federal Foreign Office.

Updated May 2020