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Mary Olivia Storz


Olivia Storz currently works at the Institute for Women’s Policy Research. Interested in interrogating the social life of power, her research and advocacy center on how gender inequality shapes social, political, and economic opportunity. Olivia has more than five years of experience in frontline work and policy research related to gender-based violence, political representation, economic equality, and feminist advocacy. She served in the US Peace Corps in Peru and completed ethnographic research with feminist activists in Argentina. She has also worked in anti-violence advocacy and prevention. Olivia received her bachelor’s degree in International Relations and Spanish from the University of Denver. She received the 2018 Pioneer Award for co-founding the nation’s only “Survivor’s Fund” to cover the direct costs of gender-based violence for students. She received her M.Sc. with Distinction from the Gender Institute at the London School of Economics. She loves pickled vegetables and the acknowledgments section of books.


Updated May 2022