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Megan Carroll


Megan Carroll is from San Diego, California. She served as a White House Fellow and Policy Advisor at the U.S. Mission to the United Nations’ Washington, DC office. Prior to this, she led the United Nations Development Program’s Democracy and Participation portfolio in South Sudan focused on the constitutional review process and elections. She has also served as Acting Director/Deputy Director of The Carter Center’s Democracy Program in South Sudan and Sudan; Democracy and Governance Advisor to USAID/South Sudan at a critical juncture when the mission transitioned from a U.S. Consulate to Embassy in a newly-independent South Sudan; and an international observer for South Sudan’s referendum on independence. Throughout her work, Megan developed and maintained relationships with host government representatives, international and national NGOs, civil society, and donors. She has work experience on five continents, including managing Harvard’s Scholars at Risk Program and teaching in Japan through the Japan Exchange and Teaching Program. After graduate school, she spent a year as a Sauvé Scholar at McGill University, Canada. Megan holds a Master in Public Policy from the Harvard Kennedy School and a B.A. in Political Science from Amherst College. Megan is a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow and participated in the 2002 Berlin Fellowship Program.


Updated May 2019