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Melanie Guther


Melanie Guther is a Program Coordinator for Humanity in Action Germany, with her main focus being the Landecker Democracy Fellowship. Melanie will complete a Masters in North American Studies from the John F. Kennedy Institute at the Freie Universität Berlin in the fall of 2023, having focused on the cultural history of Black Feminism and intersectional theory. She previously earned a Bachelor of Arts in History of Africa and the Americas from the University of California, Santa Cruz. 

Prior to joining Humanity in Action, Melanie worked in the criminal justice and nonprofit fields. She most recently worked at the German-American Fulbright Commission, supporting network development and alumni outreach, focusing on issues of diversity, media literacy, and transatlantic cultural exchange. Melanie envisions a world where working intersectionally across identities, disciplines and cultures affects positive change to both informal and formal systems of oppression. In her spare time, she enjoys being creative, active, and exploring Berlin’s many cultural offerings.

Updated September 2023