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Myrna Santos


Born and raised in Las Vegas, Nevada, Myrna Santos is a rising senior at Columbia University majoring in human rights with a specialization in sustainable development. Her academic interests primarily revolve around economic equity and political empowerment. Myrna previously interned at the New Jersey Reentry Corporation, co-organizing their inaugural immigration summit featuring an elite panel made up of elected officials, academics, activists, and people who work with the immigrant population daily to increase awareness of resources and share a message of hope with those who have status concerns. She has served as co-chair for Columbia Mentorship Initiative’s Latinx Family Tree for the past two years and is also involved with Columbia’s Native American Council. In her free time, Myrna mentors first-generation low-income high school juniors and seniors, guiding them through the college application process. After Columbia, she plans to pursue a law degree and work in the non-profit sector.


Updated May 2019