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Sarah Zarhdani


Meet Sarah Zarhdani, a Danish-Moroccan organizer and advocate for human rights, social change, and transformative justice. Her work has revolved around raising awareness of structural racism and discrimination in Denmark through events, debates, and workshops. Currently, Sarah is pursuing a Master’s degree in Global Studies at Lund University, where she explores topics related to identity, memory, and trauma within a pre/post-colonial context, specifically North-West African context. She has a deep understanding of the intricate dynamics of cultural heritage and historical narratives, particularly regarding the legacy of events such as the trans-Saharan slave trade, the Scramble for Africa, and others. Sarah is also a co-organizer in the Collective Against Environmental Racism, operating at the intersection of environmentalism, anti-racism, and climate justice to bring racial discrimination and climate injustice into the public climate debate in Denmark. Here, Sarah seeks to mobilize and amplify the voices of those most affected by environmental racism.

Updated May 2024