Zachariah Falconer-Stout is an Evaluation Associate at EnCompass, LLC, where he leads impact evaluations and provides technical assistance for education programs. With a background in youth development, Zachariah has both been a classroom teacher and published on school management. Zachariah has lived and worked in Europe and Africa for over five years; recently returned from Zambia, he currently lives in Washington, DC. In 2012, he led a group of Senior Fellows, Peace Corps staff and volunteers, university students, and civil society activists in a project to develop simulation games to be used in youth democracy education programs. He recently received the Humanity in Action Dr. Louis Rabineau Award for outstanding leadership. Zachariah is a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow (Germany 2008).
Updated May 2019
More from Zachariah Falconer-Stout
$30,000 Raised for Senior Fellow Giving Campaign 2022
Each year, Humanity in Action launches a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for Humanity in Action's programming. This year, $30,000 was raised!
$35,000 Raised for Senior Fellow Giving Campaign 2021
Each year, Humanity in Action launches a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for Humanity in Action's programming. This year, $35,000 was raised!
Senior Fellows Raise $31,610 for Giving Campaign 2020
Each year we run a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign, which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for Humanity in Action programming. This year we raised over $31,000!
Senior Fellows Raise $35,462 for Giving Campaign
Each year we run a Senior Fellow Giving Campaign, which aims to gather support from the Senior Fellow community for future Humanity in Action programming. This year we raised over $35,000!
Simulation Games: "Thawing the Freeze" & "Meeting of Perspectives"
In response to a need for modern civics education in post-Soviet Moldova, Humanity in Action teamed up with the U.S. Peace Corps, Moldovan university students and the Moldovan NGO MilleniuM for a conference designed to explore diversity and democracy and develop innovative simulation games to teach human rights and active citizenship in the small post-Soviet country.
Thank you to our 2015 US Review and Admissions Committees
Humanity in Action received 689 applications for our Fellowships in Europe and Atlanta this year and 421 applications for the Diplomacy and Diversity Fellowship.
Thank you to our 2017 US Review and Admissions Committees
Thank you to our 2018 US Review and Admissions Committees
Senior Fellows Raise $40,220.50 for Giving Campaign
Simulation Games for Teaching Human Rights and Active Citizenship in Post-Soviet Moldova
Senior Fellow Zachariah Falconer-Stout helped organize the creation and deployment of two simulation games on human rights and active citizenship in Moldova.