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Tabletop Reproductive Rights - CIKLUS Board Game

Creating innovative tool to involve and educate young people about menstrual health, menstrual poverty and the stigma surrounding them

This educational and participatory project uses an innovative educational tool – board game – to involve and educate young people in BiH about menstrual health, menstrual poverty and the stigma surrounding them, in the context of civic and democratic engagement within various local communities and in other spheres of public-policy making.


This project targets participants across Bosnia and Herzegovina, and its impact is further widened through a teaching guide to affect needed changes, in both formal and non-formal educational settings.

The “Tabletop Reproductive Rights” project, supported by UNFPA BiH, will bring together young people to jointly develop a board game focused on educating young people, with a special focus on high school students, about the menstrual cycle, menstrual health, menstrual poverty and the stigma surrounding it.

Project Outline

Project participants will gather in Sarajevo for a three-day workshop (November 21-24, 2022), during which, working with a mentor, they will come up with the concept and outline design of the board game. After the workshop, until the end of December 2022, the participants will continue to work with mentors and a graphic designer in order to realize the game concept into the final product.

The board game will be designed, printed, and tested in alpha-testing (pilot) game sessions organized by participants at participants’ home-towns, i.e. their high-schools/universities. They will draft individual session reports, while the project team will draft a country report outlining games’ advantages and shortcomings based on the “pilot-testing” sessions. All participants will meet again online, to discuss and improve games’ functionality features based on their own reports and the general feedback they receive from players. They will then jointly draft a toolkit, film promotional videos and instructions for Finally, the printed out board game will be disseminated across high schools in Canton Sarajevo and will also be available as a ready-to-print free downloadable packages.

The project will foster the capacity of interdisciplinary cooperation and interaction among youth across BiH, improving their ability to understand different and interconnected facets of civic and democratic engagement in the field related to basic women’s right such as access to menstrual products.

As part of this project, the participants will also build their presentation skills through:

  • recording of a video tutorial for the game which will be available on the HIA BiH YouTube channel and which will follow the instructions for the game,
  • testing the game at a minimum of one public event, and
  • through media promotion of the game on TV, radio and online portals, with a media mentor.

For more information please contact Daniel Lazarević at

CIKLUS Board Game Video Tutorial

Download the CIKLUS Board Game, Print & Play (In B/H/S languages)

This project is generously supported by: