All Articles about Resistance
Students Against Corruption
Students Against Corruption campaign focused on tackling anticorruption and accountability in universities throughout Bosnia & Herzegovina.
The White Rose Remembrance Project
Senior Fellow Yasmin Hoffmann created The White Rose Remembrance Project: "And yet their spirit lives on," determined to uphold the remembrance of the resistance group and remind society how important it is to defend democratic values.
The Anne Frank Project Posznań
The Anne Frank Project Posznań, created by Senior Fellows Sudip Bhandari and Łukasz Niparko, is a intensive educational program for young people to learn about Jewish history in Poland, tolerance, and how to react when encountering Antisemitism.
The Ghoul Exhibition — Guns, Performance, and Social Justice
Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Héctor Álvarez created The Ghoul Exhibition in order to merge performance and social engagement in an artistic response to the unfolding tragedy of gun violence in the United States.
#FreedomCities (Home of the Brave)
Freedom Cities began as a response to Donald Trump's inauguration, utilizing storytelling media projects to highlight how a diverse group of immigrant and low-wage workers of color are standing up within a divided political climate to re-imagine safety and belonging in service of freedom.
My 100 Hundred Days Plan
My One Hundred Days Plans was a civic action campaign encouraging participants to take one action every day for one hundred days to directly counteract Donald Trump’s first hundred days in office.
I Am Not Exotic – I Am Exhausted
Empowerment workshop for Black People & People of Color with the aim to develop strategies to deal constructively with experiences of racism.
Helsinki: On the Brink – Finland and the Holocaust Era
Stockholm: Antisemitism, Ambivalence and Action
Published by Humanity in Action in 2013, "Civil Society and the Holocaust: International Perspectives on Resistance and Rescue" examines the different ways that European countries and the United States responded to the Holocaust. Karin Kvist Geverts examines the Swedish case.
Paris: A Family Under German Occupation