The Bertelsmann Foundation (North America), Inc., (BFNA) established in 2008, was created to promote and strengthen the transatlantic relationship. Through its research, debate forums and multimedia tools, the Foundation provides analysis and solutions to the most pressing economic, political and social challenges impacting the United States and Europe. Amidst the wide-reaching changes wrought by the digital age, the Foundation must also adapt to a changing environment. By looking at the Euro-Atlantic partnership through a digital lens, the Foundation will explore how technology is shaping the globe and will use innovative approaches to highlight developments in a rapidly evolving world.

The transatlantic relations division of the DC office is focused on policy projects in a wide range of economic, social and foreign challenges of common interest to both sides of the Atlantic. Projects engage high-level policy makers, opinion leaders, emerging leaders, and innovative stakeholders to consider and develop policy recommendations on a wide range of global topics of interest to the US-European dialogue. Immediate topics of program activity include: US-German relations, polarization, the geo-political potential of the transatlantic alliance, digital democracy and the future of work.
Furthering the transatlantic relationship through partnership and innovative thinking.
About the Fellowship
In 2018, the Bertelsmann Foundation and Humanity in Action began a partnership in several projects on the state of transatlantic democracies. One of those evolved in the Bertelsmann Foundation-Humanity in Action Fellowship, offering one Senior Fellow the opportunity to work in the Foundation’s Washington D.C. office to help study the effects of technology on pressing social, economic, and political concerns in the transatlantic relationship.
More from Bertelsmann
Humanity in Action and the Bertelsmann Foundation have partnered on the "How to Fix Democracy" podcast and video series.