The ACLU of Georgia-Humanity in Action Fellowship provides Senior Fellows the opportunity to work with the American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia for 6 to 14 months. The Fellowship is an opportunity for Senior Fellows to gain exposure and contribute to policy research, community organizing, and advocacy.

About the ACLU of Georgia
The American Civil Liberties Union of Georgia is dedicated to preserving the civil liberties enshrined in the U.S. Constitution and Bill of Rights. Through litigation, lobbying, and communications, the ACLU of Georgia works to preserve and enhance the rights of all citizens of Georgia without political partisanship. Foremost among these rights are freedom of speech and religion, the right to equal treatment under law, and the right to privacy.
All US-based Humanity in Action Senior Fellows and Fellows who are actively implementing their Action Project with the green light from their Humanity in Action offices are eligible to apply.
Past Fellows with the ACLU
Previous Fellowships
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“My time as a Fellow at the ACLU of Georgia has been one of the best experiences of my career. As an academic, my main goal is to make the work I produce in the academy accessible and impactful to the communities I write about. Humanity in Action provided me with an opportunity to connect my work on the history of the carceral state to the policy level through this Fellowship.”
– Kyera Singelton, 2018 ACLU-Humanity in Action Fellow