Europe has been witnessing profound political, economic and social changes over the last decade. Many citizens are confused, given the complexity of European and global developments. The challenge is to develop a global perspective of long-term socio-political, social, educational, economical and environmental objectives.

An attractive unifying European project must be the alternative to the risk of re-nationalization, populism and lack of solidarity.
An attractive unifying European project must be the alternative to the risk of re-nationalization, populism and lack of solidarity. New instruments of political action and a strong, independent and competent European civil society are needed. Intercultural competences are therefore central to enabling and strengthening dialogue and concrete cooperation in Europe.
Crossborder Factory is a European think-and-do tank and started by Senior Fellow Martine Alonso Marquis and her partners Frank Morawietz and Nicolas Moll. With the goal to strengthen of intercultural competence and European commitment. The think-and-do tank provides a platform for European citizens who wish to actively participate in shaping a democratic, peaceful, open-minded and solidaric Europe that is capable of acting.
Find the project here.