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Free Access to Information


EDVACAY Fellows Emir Hasović, Emina Latić, Adnan Rudan and Ivona Tolić motivated by the fact that, during the individual research phase of the program, almost none of the participants received replies to their requests for free access to information sent to different institutions in the country, the group members recognized the importance of effective communication with government institutions as means of being an active member of the democratic
As part of their research campaign, the students contacted 33 institutions at different levels of government in the country, with questions designed to compliment matters within their jurisdiction, with written requests created in accordance with the relevant Laws on Free Access to Information. The website contains defeating statistics, with only 10 out of the 33 institutions providing any kind of response.

The group aims to continue developing and working on their campaign, and to use the results of their research in an effort to create a website for tracking the application of the Laws on Free Access to Information in Bosnia and Herzegovina, with the next stage being testing the effectiveness and accountability of institutions in lower levels of government.

In order to promote the campaign, the group organized an event on June 15, 2018 in cooperation with the Network of Student Councils of Bosnia and Herzegovina, where they presented the results of the conducted research and talked about the importance of their campaign.

  • Promotion of the website and research results discussion event
  • Promotion of the website and research results discussion event

Emir, Adnan and Emina speak about their civic campaign and EDVACAY experiences

This project is generously supported by: