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My 100 Hundred Days Plan


On January 20th, 2017 a new American President who lost the popular vote by 2.9 million votes entered the White House armed with a “100 Day Plan” for his first days in office. That plan called for the decimation of the Affordable Healthcare Act, rollbacks on environmental protections and withdrawal from international climate change agreements, “extreme vetting” on all immigrants and total suspension of immigrants from targeted countries, removing millions of undocumented immigrants from the US, and constructing a multibillion-dollar wall along the Mexican border, among other things.

My One Hundred Days Plans was a civic action campaign encouraging participants to take one action every day for 100 hundred days to directly counteract Donald Trump’s first hundred days in office. The campaign provided participants with a quick, doable, daily civic action that takes a stand for democracy. It functioned as a “campaign of campaigns,” promoting and connecting the best and most effective actions and organizations doing great work all over the United States and in many communities.

Three principles guided the campaign—RESIST, REBUILD, RECHARGE.  

My one hundred days plan

Three principles guided the campaign—RESIST, REBUILD, RECHARGE—as it sought to inspire new levels of civic engagement in those committed to a strong, thriving, and inclusive democracy both locally and abroad.