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The Anne Frank Project Posznań


The Anne Frank Project Poznań was a summer school of tolerance countering Antisemitism by addressing secondary school students in Poznań. The project took place between June 27th and September 27th, 2015 in Poznań, Poland and within other parts of the Wielkopolska Region.

In an intensive educational program young people learn about Jewish history in Poland, particularly the old Jewish Poznań in order to build a presence and future that is free of discrimination and Antisemitism. Secondary school students were taken on a journey to discover the thousand years of the history of Poznań Jews, whose existence in the urban space, was reduced almost to a minimum by the Second World War and the post-war reality. The 25 years of the socio-economic transformation in Poland have helped to initiate a process of revitalization of the Jewish Poznań, which, like the mythical city of Atlantis had been covered by the abyss of totalitarianism.