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2017 Berlin Forum: Flight and Migration

A dive into the experience and perspectives of migrants in the city of Berlin.

Humanity in Action launched a ten-day forum entitled “Flight and Migration – Societies in Transition” in Berlin from November 10 to 19, 2017.

26 Fellows and Senior Fellows from around the world came together as a community of human rights leaders to:

  • enhance and share their knowledge, skills, and expertise in migration and integration-related issues;
  • reflect collectively on their own positions and practical experiences in and for the inclusion of newcomers who are seeking refuge in Europe; and to
  • network with civil society organizations, refugee initiatives, experts, activists, and members of the Humanity in Action community.

The forum was informal in nature and included several social activities and site visits to places that reflect the experience of refugees in the city. Exploring the urban space in relation to migration is part of the curriculum. Humanity in Action Germany hosted the Forum.

Impressions from the Forum

  • Senior Fellows in the 2017 Forum on
  • Senior Fellows in the 2017 Forum on Flight and Migration
  • Senior Fellows in the 2017 Forum on Flight and Migration

Program Schedule

This Forum was made possible with the generous supported from:

The Alfried Krupp von Bohlen und Halbach Stiftung

Alfried Kupp von Bohlen und Halbach-Stiftung