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Prof. Dr. Nivedita Prasad


Large or small, Nivedita Prasad has been invited to so many of our events that we can’t even count them any more. Most recently she spoke at our 2022 Landecke Democracy Action Academy.

Dr. Nivedita Prasad is a Professor at the Alice Salomon University of Applied Sciences in Berlin, where she focuses on advocacy-based practise in (social work) and Intersectionality. She is also the director of the (German) MA Programme “Social Work as a human rights Profession”. Born in Madras, India, Nivedita Prasad studied Social Pedagogy at the Freie Universität in Berlin and received her PhD at the Carl von Ossietzky University in Oldenburg. In 2012, she was awarded the first Anne Klein Women’s Award from the Heinrich Böll Foundation for her ongoing dedication to the human rights of migrant women. She has been teaching at various universities in Germany, the Netherlands and Austria since 1993 and has led training programs for police officers and judges, prosecutors and lawyers. Her new publications include Geschlechtsspezifische Gewalt in Zeiten der Digitalisierung, Transcript Verlag and May Ayim. Radikale Dichterin, sanfte Rebellin, Unrast Verlag. Nivedita is also an Advisory Board Member for Humanity in Action Germany.

Nivedita Prasad is also an Advisory Board Member for Humanity in Action Germany.

Updated June 2022