Humanity in Action Germany's Knowledge
Sharing knowledge is crucial to our mission. Browse work and wisdom from our organization and community.
Atlanta and Berlin: The Cross Currents of Racism and Restorative Justice
Over several centuries, immigrants with few assets were driven by the vertigo of speculation in building a new American society. In the process they stripped Native Americans of their wealth and eagerly and savagely diminished that population.
All Knowledge and Resources
Zwei Bäume in Jerusalem: Begleitmaterialien, Ressourcen und Inspirationen
Auf dieser Seite stellen wir eine Reihe von pädagogischen Begleitmaterialien und Ressourcen für den Film "Two Trees in Jerusalem" zur Verfügung.
Challenging the Boundaries of Democracy
Read the latest opinion piece by Senior Landecker Fellow Cesy Leonard which she wrote as part of her Fellowship.
Humanity in Action Press
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