The project, implemented in partnership with the Strategic Analysis from Slovakia and Aie Serve from Lebanon, is addressing the process of radicalization, leading to violent extremism in the online sphere. With the spread of global pandemics, many aspects of life have transferred to the online area. So did the attempts to radicalize young people towards violent extremism. Online radicalization is not a novelty, but it gained momentum amid the COVID-19 crisis.
The project aims to strengthen the resilience of young people – future leaders from vulnerable communities – against radicalization and extremism by their mobilization and activation directly in their communities. The resilience of young people will be strengthened via developing their critical thinking and online disinformation awareness. The impact of the project will consist of the creation of a network of active young people, who will work as multipliers of the project’s ideas and goals in their respective communities thus supporting the official policies addressing radicalization and violent extremism in particular project countries.
Our ambition is to provide a platform for more comprehensive cooperation on the intersection of addressing radicalization in the online sphere and youth, and we try to look for synergies rather than overlaps.