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HIA BiH International Webinar - Better decision-making for better environmental justice: A practical exercise in advance of COP 26
Humanity in Action BiH Team is organizing the next segment in this year's Action Project Lab Series - the First International Webinar. The International Webinar will take place on Thursday, October 28th from 18:00 - 20:00 CEST // 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT and the topic of conversation will be "Better decision-making for better environmental justice: A practical exercise in advance of COP 26."
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OPEN CALL: NGOs/CSOs Skills Enhancement in the WB and Moldova Training
Humanity in Action BiH is organizing the training within the ‘NGOs/CSOs Skills Enhancement in the Western Balkans and Moldova’ project, generously funded by the International Visegrad Fund. The project will enhance the soft skills of the CSO/NGO community from the six WB countries and Moldova to increase citizen-led professional democratic participation in public discussions and increase their professional reflection, and boost regional cooperation for a more palpable involvement on the European level.
Održana trodnevna radionica "Gamifying EU Realities in BiH"
Održana trodnevna radionica u sklopu našeg projekta "Gamifying EU Realities in BiH: Board Games Paving Ways to Youth Engagement in EU-related Matters in BiH”, koji implementiramo uz podršku Evropske unije u Bosni i Hercegovini i British Council Bosnia and Herzegovina u sklopu programa Eu Scheme for Young Professionals in the Western Balkans.
In Support of Ukraine
Otvoreni poziv za učešće u projektu "Gamifying EU Realities in BIH: Board Games Paving Ways to Youth Engagement in EU-related Matters in BiH"
Prijave otvorene za sve mlade u BiH do 9. marta 2022. godine putem formulara na linku.
Think Balkan Conference “Regional cooperation in the Western Balkan and EU accession”
During the Think Balkan Conference “Regional cooperation in the Western Balkan and EU accession”, organized within the project "Cooperation Instrument for the Western Balkans Think Tanks – THINK BALKANS" supported by International Visegrad Fund, several experts and researchers presented policy papers.
BOLD Action Project Celebration
BOLD Action Fellows gathered at the celebration event of the successfully completed project.
Održan 1. modul desetog ciklusa PDVIAGMM programa
Poticanje demokratskih vrijednosti i aktivnog građanstva među mladima 2021/22 11. - 19. decembar 2021.
PDVIAGMM 2021/22: debatna radionica
Posljednja 2 dana prvog modula programa fellowsi su imali dvodnevnu debatnu radionicu koju je već tradicionalno facilitirala Ivana Kešić.