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Against Agent Orange: The Fight Continues



On Saturday, 21 January 2023, to celebrate the Tết 2023 (Vietnamese New Year), Senior Fellow Hany, the Collectif Vietnam Dioxine (CVD), and DAMN* (Deutsche Asiat*innen Make Noise) are presenting an exhibition on Agent Orange by illustrator Trâm-Anh, accompanied by the screening of Thuy Tiên Ho and Laurent Lindebring’s movie “Agent Orange, a Time Bomb” (57mins).

The screening will be followed by a Q&A with the director on zoom, while Trâm-Anh and several members of CVD and DAMN* Berlin will be present at the event.

On this occasion, CVD will be raising money to support Trần Tố Nga, one of the victims of Agent Orange, in her lawsuit against Agent Orange’s manufacturers such as Monsanto and Dow Chemicals.

Bring your best clothes to celebrate entering the year of the cat together, while learning more on the devastating impacts of Agent Orange for people and the environment. There will be drinks and some snacks! This is a donation-based fundraising event in solidarity with the victims of Agent Orange.

  • Saturday, 21 January 2023
    Doors: 4pm
    Screening: 6pm
    Q&A: 7pm