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HIA BiH at "Local Legitimacy and Civil Society Advocacy in BiH" study presentation



HIA BiH National Director Jasmin Hasić moderated a public presentation of research study “Local Legitimacy and Civil Society Advocacy in BiH” authored by Dr. Randall Puljek-Shank (Peace Nexus), which was supported and published by Friedrich Ebert Stiftung Foundation in BiH. Dr. Valerie Perry (Democratization Policy Council), provided her insights and reflected on the study.

The author presented his research in which he examined variety of questions such as what makes an NGO legitimate in the eyes of citizens, and how legitimacy affects the outcomes they are able to achieve, how do NGOs influence policies and laws, and how does donor support influence local legitimacy. His conclusions point to the fact that donors are aware that low local legitimacy limits NGO advocacy outcomes and are therefore searching for ways to engage a broader range of social actors.

The session ended with Q/A session.