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Eefje de Kroon on the Meaning of Climate Justice and the Role of the Rule of Law



Humanity in Action Senior Fellows collaborate on an insightful podcast at ‘Radio Rechtsstaat’!

Radio Rechtstaat’ is a Podcast in which Senior Fellows Nienke Venema and Jelle Klaas insightfully elaborate with other experts on the meaning of the rule of law and to what extent the rule of law is being undermined in the Netherlands.

In the issue of February 19 it was Eefje de Kroon, Senior Fellow and Campaign Leader at Greenpeace Netherlands, who was interviewed by Nienke and Jelle for ‘Radio Rechtstaat’ about her vision on climate justice and the role of the rule of law in the Netherlands.

Eefje criticizes the lack of political will shown by political actors: “Policy makers should not be allowed to be in total control, that is extremely dangerous.”

Eefje talks about the importance of the notion of Climate justice and elaborates on the famous Dutch ‘Urgenda Case’, emphasizing that the judiciary can play a crucial role within achieving Climate Justice. According to Eefje, policy makers are often mainly concerned with short-term thinking because they are trying to get re-elected. It is therefore the judiciary that, although not democratically chosen, is much more concerned with serving the common good and the well-being of future generations.

Make sure to not miss out on this interesting conversation between our Humanity in Action Alumni and listen to the complete Podcast below (in Dutch):

For more information on ‘Radio Rechtstaat’ visit their website (in Dutch).