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Cassandra Chislom


As a Boston native, Cassandra Chislom is a rising senior at Providence College majoring in political science and public and community service. Concentrating her studies in environmental justice, she is passionate about climate change and the social, health and environmental implications it will have for marginalized communities of color. This past semester she studied the politics of climate change in Vietnam, Morocco and Bolivia on a SIT international honors program. During which she conducted field research on how local grassroots and nonprofit organizations are working to educate disenfranchised communities. Through volunteering as a community assistant at a private middle school in Providence, Cassandra became interested in education as she co-taught a justice seminar on race and gender as well as led her peers in service learning. After the program, she plans to work with urban youth engaging them in environmental issues and after graduation, she hopes to further her research abroad.


Updated May 2016