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Estephanie Patricia Liendo Hoyos


Estephanie Patricia Liendo Hoyos is a Bolivian forestry engineer who worked with rural women in the Bolivian lowlands. She is also inclined to literature and arts to create awareness about justice and equality. Currently, she is finishing her master’s degree at the University of Copenhagen, writing her thesis about sustainable development and rural women’s rights. She will be focusing on how broader policies -under the permanence of narratives- has been influencing gender roles and the impact on women’s rights to access control their natural resources. With this, she aims to show how important it is to analyze the persistence of these narratives, how women are affected, and how they answer to forms of oppression. In addition to her thesis, she is supporting the United Nations Convention to Combat Desertification as an intern. Her main objective for the internship is to create awareness about rural women’ daily-life using creative and innovative tools.


Updated April 2021.