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Gage Garretson


Gage Garretson is a MPP student in the Ford School for Public Policy at the University of Michigan where he is both a FLAS and Ford School Fellow. While there, he is studying international and digital policy as well as Brazilian Portuguese. Gage has studied abroad in Turkey and Germany, where he was a Congress-Bundestag Youth Exchange for Young Professionals (CBYX-YP) Fellow and interned with both the German Parliament and Humanity in Action Germany. In addition, he has volunteered with humanitarian organizations in several refugee camps in Lesvos, Greece as well as in the United States. Upon graduation from his alma mater, Macalester College, he was selected for a one-year Research and Teaching Fellowship in the Geography department at Dartmouth College. Gage is a Humanity in Action Fellow, Public Policy & International Affairs (PPIA) Fellow and Minnesota to Berlin Fellow. He served as Humanity in Action’s Project and Engagement Coordinator with Humanity in Action, Inc from 2019 up until he started graduate school in Michigan.

Updated September 2020