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Gosia Kot


Gosia loves people, conversations, joint activism, energy flow. Always on the move, as there’s always a group willing to take up new initiatives; someone who needs support; there’s a street event, manifestation or march happening.

She’s been an activist ever since she can remember. She’s mostly focused on activism for youth rights, sexual and reproductive rights and queer community. Gosia is currently a PhD candidate of Sociology at the Graduate School for Social Research of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology at the Polish Academy of Sciences. She calls herself an activist-academic because, in her academic work, she aims to connect the world of theory and research with practical actions for social change.

She holds a long-term expertise in non-profit work. Gosia is a Humanity in Action Senior Fellow (2017 Warsaw Fellowship). In cooperation with the Polish Humanity in Action office, she successfully fundraised a grant from the US Embassy for the realization of her Action Project – the creation of an interactive antidiscrimination book “From A to Z about LGBTQIAP”. Gosia cooperated with many LGBT and youth oriented groups and organizations. Currently, she is a member of queer collectives and works as a Projects Coordinator in Humanity in Action Poland.

Published Works from Gosia: