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Joana Rita Da Silva Cavaco


Cavaco resides in Rotterdam, where she currently works for the Dutch NGO Humanitas as the coordinator of The Hang Out 010- a safe haven for the queer youth in the city. Joana is also a volunteer coordinator at the Amsterdam based organisation Black Pride NL. As a community-based organizer she advocates for the eradication of verbal and physical sexual harassment within the city, having already worked with youngsters from all over Europe on the topics of Women’s rights and gender equality. Cavaco’s experience lies in with the creating safe(r) spaces while developing various practices when it comes to inclusivity and queer-feminist emancipation. By organizing an international women’s day SLUTWALK, collaborating and curating programmes that reflect the inclusivity and sustainability of these practices, Joana aims to catalyze change from the bottom up.


Updated May 2023