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Jordan Bowen


Born and raised in the pinewoods of East Texas, Jordan attended public school in a highly religious but increasingly cosmopolitan town called Longview. From there he escaped to New York University, backpacked Europe, and finished his degree in San Francisco at New College of California, where he pursued his passion for Russian history, language and literature, and studied urban planning, political science and printmaking. He worked for a time at a mountain retreat in Sonoma County that prepares college students for sojourns to India and Thailand, then returned to San Francisco to work at the Lycee Francais La Perouse, a private French school in the Haight-Ashbury. In 2007, he returned to New York to pursue his masters in Creative Writing at The New School, and he oversees the digitization of audio and visual archives at the Gimbel Art and Design Library at the Parsons School of Design.


Updated February 2009