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Sarah Asmelash


Sarah is a young professional in the field of contract law and financial law. During her studies, she has travelled frequently in emerging economies which made her aware of the importance of corporate social responsibility. These experiences sparked her interest in sustainable development and civic engagement. Sarah holds a master of laws with a focus on contract law. During her studies, she has conducted research in the field of contract law, privacy law, consumer protection law and corporate social responsibility. Furthermore, Sarah holds a bachelor of laws whereby she minored in European and international law. She has also studied English and Spanish linguistics and completed an interdisciplinary bachelor’s degree in social studies whereby she minored in mediation. Sarah has worked at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam at the department of state and administrative law within the section pension law and at various law offices in Amsterdam. She is a member of the Dutch section of the International Commission of Jurists and it is her aim to use her knowledge to make a difference for the public interest.

Updated December 2019