Born and raised in New York to two Japanese immigrants, Miki Takeshita is a recent graduate of the University of Chicago. She majored in history, specializing in urban history. During her time at UChicago, she was a member of the Japanese American Citizens League, where she led a group of 10 Japanese American youth on a four-day pilgrimage to Manzanar, one of the Japanese American incarceration camps, and facilitated workshops on race, identity and allyship. She also interned at Asian Americans Advancing Justice, a nonprofit that advances immigrant rights. Currently she is working as a College Advisor for High School for Art & Design in New York, where she advises 400 underrepresented, first-generation minority seniors on their college applications. Following the Humanity in Action fellowship, Miki will start her master’s in urban policy at Sciences Po in Paris fellowship as a Fulbright Scholar.
Updated May 2018