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Zawdie Sandvliet

Teacher and Professor


Zawdie Sandvliet is a Social Studies teacher and a professor of Afro-Dutch Studies at the Amsterdam University of Applied Sciences. In order to learn more about the history of the Dutch involvement in the system and trade of slavery, Zawdie studied African American Studies on a Fulbright Scholarship at Boston University after receiving his bachelor’s degree in Sociology. After his return to the Netherlands, he took the initiative to start a course on Afro-Dutch studies at the University of Amsterdam, a decolonial interdisciplinary course that focuses on the history and present-day realities of Afro-Dutch people. Through his work as a Social Studies teacher and with his Afro-Dutch studies course, Zawdie tries to create educational equity across class, race, ethnicity, religion, sexuality, and gender. In his free time, he likes to read, longboard, surf, exercise, and cook vegan meals.

“Online education should be accessible to pupils and students from all communities.”

Learn more about Zwadies’ Landecker Democracy Fellowship project here and you can find his personal blog here.

In 2022, Zawdie received a travel and research grant within the Untold Stories | Places of Memory project. He authored the video The Last Days of Anton de Kom.

The Last Days of Anton de Kom

Click here or on the picture to see the full video.


Updated October 2022