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Coffee&Talk #4: Pragmatism vs. Idealism


Discussing Idealism vs. Pragmatism with Morten Kjærum

At our next Coffee&Talk event, we will be talking about how to balance idealism and pragmatism once you are a professional with the responsibilities that comes with. Simply asking the questions: Is idealism or pragmatism the way to better the world? Should you always seek dialogue or are there times that requires you to stay strong on core principles?


🗣 Speaker profile:
Morten Kjærum is a Humanity in Action board member and Director of the Raoul Wallenberg Institute of Human Rights and Humanitarian Law in Lund, Sweden. Kjærum has previously been Director of the European Union Agency for Fundamental Rights and Director of the Danish Institute for Human Rights as well as chaired a number of human rigths networks.

The format is, as always, a short presentation by our guest speakers and then an informal dialogue where you are most welcome to ask a question or share a comment.  


  • When:
    December 11, 17.15-18.30
  • Where:
    Café Nutid, Studiestræde 24, 1455 Copenhagen, Denmark


There is no registration for this event so we strongly recommend that you show up in good time to get a seat.