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‘Igre medija, igre informacija’ aims to educate young people in Bosnia and Herzegovina about the significance of media and information literacy in their work and public life through the use of innovative and interactive educational tools – board and on-line games.

We find that the best way to work with young people is to create a space where they can actively participate and be a part of a creative process.




Razolav – Razotkrij lažnu vijest (Uncover the fake news) is a multi-player game designed by Nejra Lilić, Lejla Mašić, Omer Muminović, Riad Arslanović and Rebeka Matičević. The game takes place on a map of Bosnia and Herzegovina, divided into puzzles. Each puzzle carries specific media literacy related questions and challenges with the answers offered, followed by points and penalties. Players conquer cities and thus educate their inhabitants on media literacy. The game ends when the last city is conquered. The winner is the player who has educated the largest number of residents. Don’t let the media games play you, play them yourself!

Numbers on the dice and players’ answers determine the movement through a labyrinth or Medirint as Melisa H. Mehmedović, Ivana Zelenika, Maida Filipović and Ena Čaušević have imagined and designed it in this two-players game. Players will advance or regress through the Medirint based on their knowledge of media and all of its elements or lack there of. Ultimately one of the players will win. Don’t let the media games play you, play them yourself!

Mediatlon is a game, designed by Minja Čulić, Ajša Džindo, Emir Velić, Mirnes Ćerimović and Tanja Šnjegota, aimed to promote and encourage critical thinking skills, which will enable players to thoughtfully choose the media content they consume as well as teach how they will interpret the information they receive through mass communication channels. Ability to “read” media messages and their meaning, not always self-evident and obvious, is crucial for understanding the world around us, but also for forming ways of thinking about the world, i.e. interpreting interpersonal and intra-group relationships. Don’t let the media games play you, play them yourself!

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This project is generously funded by:

"Igre medija, igre informacija" is a part of the regional project for increasing media and information literacy in Western Balkans:

‘Igre medija, Igre informacija’ is supported through a grant within the regional project Media for Citizens – Citizens for Media, implemented by seven media organizations (Mediacentar Sarajevo Foundation, Albanian Media Institute, Macedonian Media Institute, Media Institute of Montenegro, Novi Sad Journalism School, Peace Institute, SEENPM) from the Western Balkans aimed at building the capacity of civil society organizations in WB to improve media and information literacy.