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Animated Film on Social Cohesion



On October 27 and 28, 2020, the Foundation EVZ and Humanity in Action held a Bilateral Comparative Social Cohesion Forum. Participants from Germany and the United States – among them many Senior Fellows – explored the complex and contested relationship among aspects of social cohesion and combustion. The conference addressed issues of social unrest, economic instability, transatlantic vulnerability and disarray, and the ever greater need and determination to realize social justice in Germany and the United States.

Based on the conversations held, Humanity in Action produced an animated short film. Intertwined with the life story of Senior Fellow Bill De La Rosa, one of the participants, the film touches upon important learnings and conclusions from the conference.

Forum Team: Marianna Matzer (Foundation EVZ), Judith Goldstein (Humanity in Action, USA) and Antje Scheidler (Humanity in Action, Germany)

Production Team: Bill De La Rosa and Juan Pablo de Gamboa (Director), Irene BraamJudith Goldstein, and Antje Scheidler.

We thank the Foundation EVZ for their support of this project.

Animated Film: Social Cohesion and Combustion

Our Participants