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How People Can Change Your Life and Make the Best Music in Your World of Silence



The last day of an unforgettable and wonderful experience in my life arrived.  I will take with me incredible new knowledge, friendships, beautiful people, and unforgettable moments.

The differences between us reveal that we all have our own shortcomings and privileges, and that we need to be united if we want to change the world.

For almost four weeks of work and education through the Humanity in Action John Lewis Fellowship program, I realized many things. I began to appreciate what I have, and to think more and more about the situations and the problems in a global sense. Things I want to change in my local community can very well affect the whole world, because everything is connected in life and we are all human beings, essential parts of the planet Earth and the time in which we are right now.

This program is special to me for the sake of difference. Diversity in the world is what makes our lives the way it is: unique, special, unusual, full of needs with struggle, full of support, and new goals. The differences between us reveal that we all have our own shortcomings and privileges, and that we need to be united if we want to change the world.

In the Museum of the Center for Civil and Human Rights, I read the quote saying “They do not know each other because they don’t communicate”.

That is why it was most important for me to communicate with people, even though I was the one who heard more – spoke less. I wanted to hear a lot of new stories and learn a lot of new things about human rights. The thing that bring me joy and made this program even better and more enjoyable is that all the fellows have taken care of me, making sure I can follow the lectures and the conversation. I didn’t feel bad because I’m deaf. More, I became proud of myself and brave enough to say that this is my struggle, just one thing more which motivates me to work hard.

Sunce se rađa za sve nas

Zašto odrasli prave razlike
Među ljudima svijeta
Kada nama djeci to ne smeta?

Zašto je važno da li je lice žuto crno ili bijelo
Kad je nama bitno samo da je veselo
Zašto sad smeta vjera različita
I to koju koju knjigu ko čita?

Zašto sad smetaju kiša i sunce,
Lišće po ulici mokroj, i pahulje guste?
Zašto je manje vrijedan
Onaj koji ima problem jedan?

Onaj koji ne može da čuje i vidi?

Ne čujemo stranca kad nam govori
Ne vidimo boju ruke koja nas zagrli.
Ne čujemo ezan, ni crkveno zvono kad zvoni
Ne primjećujemo boju ruke kojom nam se zbori.

Zajedno gledamo sunce danas
Uvijek se rađa isto, i za sve nas.

Zašto odrasli prave razlike
Među ljudima svijeta
Kada nama djeci to ne smeta?

The sun  burns for all of us

Why adults make a difference
Among the people of the world
When kids don’t care?

Why is important if the face is a brown, black or white
When we want just to be happy?
Why does it matter if we have different religions?
And which book, you read?

Why bother does it rain or it is a sun,
Leaves on the wet streets and snowflakes too?
Why is it less valuable,
The one who has only a one problem?

The one who cannot hear and see?

We don’t hear a stranger when talks
We don’t see the color of the hands which hug us.
We don’t hear ezan, a church bell when it rings neither
We don’t notice the color of the hands which speak with us.

Today we look at the sun together,
It always borns the same way, and for all of us.

Why adults make a difference
Among the people of the world
When kids don’t care?


During the four weeks, and through the lectures I had, I was thinking all the time about the song which I wrote in high school. I connected the situation with the minority in America with my own, and I struggled with many issues. I still did not find the answer, but I found people who played the main role in my song.

I was 17 years old when I wrote this song and won the third prize in the competition. Within these months, I have understood why it is so important to me and why I’m trying to put it into my essay. I realized how we people are really complicated, because everything started with us, ordinary human beings.

Selfish creatures of blood and flesh, who did not accept anything different from them, someone with a different opinion, color, or someone with a disability.

That’s why I decided to publish this song, as I watched the world through a child’s eyes in order to say that there are no differences between us, and that we are all only human beings who have only one special need – love.


It is so normal to be different,
it’s so unique to be yourself.
But it is not so human to separate peoples
By their values.

It’s so painful to speak about pain,
It’s so hard to push out our emotions,
So insensitive to forget
That we are the same persons.

Humanity, Humanity, Humanity
Where is humanity?

Black, black, black is black
White, white, white is white
Oh, such so perfect combination
Of the creation…

What, why, and how
From where the hatred comes?
I ask myself every day.
Humanity, humanity, humanity
Where does humanity disappeared?


As Martin Luther King said: “I have a dream”, and, I have a dream as well:

“So, I want to change, yourself, you, world. I have a wish for all people. I want to break discrimination, I want to make the world equal, by giving them equity.

I want to make Sign Language a normal language!

Language which we can have in all schools, in all seminars, in all projects, in social environment, in the whole world! And give the opportunity for deaf people to be the same with all people.

I want to make it possible to connect deaf and hearing people and be in the same company with others. Impossible? Maybe I want too much.

I don’t know.

But, the one only thing which I know is that: “The people who are crazy enough to think they can change the world are the ones who do.” Rob Siltaren.

Maybe I’m one of those people, enough crazy to think I can change the world but also… I do it.

Let’s do it…NOW!”

From all Fellows I felt that we have something in our life which motivates us and forces us to continue with the fight, even if sometimes we feel so tired.

We still feel that the change of the world depends on us. That we are the promoters, power workers, children who don’t mind if a face is brown, black, or even white, only that is cheerful, happy, because we are under the same sun!

We still feel that the change of the world depends on us.

Lastly, I have to thank all the amazing speakers which gave to us a lot of courage. I have to thank to Tanya who was always inspired me by her storytelling. Thank you Ufuk Thank you Hanane, you made my every moment happier. Thank you, Dr. Roslyn Pope, you gave me motivation to continue to fight for my dream.

Thank you everybody you let me be a part of you and why you created the best music in my life.

Love you everybody!