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Study Trip to Vienna

The project, implemented in partnership with the Strategic Analysis from Slovakia and Aie Serve from Lebanon, is addressing the process of radicalization, leading to violent extremism in the online sphere. With the spread of global pandemics, many aspects of life have transferred to the online area. So did the attempts to radicalize young people towards violent extremism. Online radicalization is not a novelty, but it gained momentum amid the COVID-19 crisis.

The project aims to strengthen the resilience of young people – future leaders from vulnerable communities – against radicalization and extremism by their mobilization and activation directly in their communities. The resilience of young people will be strengthened via developing their critical thinking and online disinformation awareness. The impact of the project will consist of the creation of a network of active young people, who will work as multipliers of the project’s ideas and goals in their respective communities thus supporting the official policies addressing radicalization and violent extremism in particular project countries.

Our ambition is to provide a platform for more comprehensive cooperation on the intersection of addressing radicalization in the online sphere and youth, and we try to look for synergies rather than overlaps.

Olja Beader's Project Photo Exhibition

The main project’s objective will be achieved through activation and strengthening of capacities of identified young leaders who are interested in becoming visible actors against radicalization in their communities.

Young leaders will get familiar with how online radicalization functions, its psychology, how to “arm” themselves with counter-narratives against extremist rhetoric/propaganda, they will be taught where to get further help and how to help themselves, their friends who may be in the immediate danger of radicalization. Trainings’ curricula will also focus on the development of critical thinking, disinformation in online sphere awareness, and strategic communication.

The project seeks active young people (18-24 y/o) – high school and university students, junior/entry-level employees working for NGOs/CSOs and the state sector, decisive influencers in communities, to achieve the project’s goals:

  1. To identify active young leaders from project countries;
  2. To train these young leaders, build their capacities so they can act as multipliers against radicalization in their communities (with the help of experts who deal with radicalization, violent extremism, extremist propaganda, disinformation & strategic communication). Sustain their access to gained knowledge through the establishment of a shared network of young leaders and relevant experts.
  3. To communicate about radicalization in communities via trained young leaders (information campaign in project countries aimed at educating young people in their communities through trained young leaders);
  4. To provide recommendations by experts for local stakeholders dealing with the prevention of radicalization.

Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech Study Analysis Report

Project Activities

OPEN CALL: Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech

News | Bosnia & Herzegovina, 10 Dezember 2020

Are you fed up by the radicalization and hate speech you see online? Would you like to do something against it but missing the rigth tools? Join us within the framework of the project Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech kindly supported by the Anna Lindh Foundation.

1st Online Workshop of the 'Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate Speech' program

News | Bosnia & Herzegovina, 27 Februar 2021

We welcomed our new group of participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon and Slovakia into 'The Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate Speech' program, kindly supported by the European Union and the Anna Lindh Foundation and implemented with our partners Strategic Analysis SK and Aie Serve.

2nd Online Workshop of the 'Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate Speech' program

News | Bosnia & Herzegovina, 13 März 2021

We welcomed back our participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon and Slovakia into 'The Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate Speech' program, kindly supported by the European Union and the Anna Lindh Foundation and implemented with our partners Strategic Analysis SK and Aie Serve.

3rd Online Workshop of the 'Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate Speech' program

News | Bosnia & Herzegovina, 21 Kann 2021

We welcomed back our participants from Bosnia and Herzegovina, Lebanon and Slovakia into 'The Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate Speech' program, kindly supported by the European Union and the Anna Lindh Foundation and implemented with our partners Strategic Analysis SK and Aie Serve.

Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech Study Trip to Vienna

News | Bosnia & Herzegovina, 14 September 2021

Hello Vienna! Our most active participants of the "Mitigating Online Radicalization and Online Hate-Speech" program Lejla Mušanović, Arnes Jeleč, Olja Beader and Nejla Nanić are rewarded with a two day study trip to Vienna and accompanied by the HIA team members Emina and Veronika.

Participants' Projects

Olja Beader's Project Photo Exhibition


As part of the Mitigating Online Radicalization and Hate-Speech project, the participants worked with mentors to design and implement campaigns that creatively address the problem of online radicalization and hate speech.

The photo exhibition “PRIDE OVER PREJUDICE” is a project developed by our participant Olja Beader, which represents ordinary people faced with everyday prejudices that trigger online and offline hate speech. Photographs captures moments and displays the power of persons highlighted, with the purpose of “forcing” the observer to think more deeply before saying or writing something that could be offensive in any way.

  • Olja Beader's Project Photo Exhibition
  • Olja Beader's Project Photo Exhibition

Sexist Hate Speech Towards Women – Campaign

Instagram campaign “Mi žene 387” developed by participant Nejla Nanić to raise awareness of sexism and hate speech against women. Campaign represents “Sexist hate speech towards women” survey results.

This project is generously supported by:

Project is implemented in partnership with: