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HIA BiH International Webinar - Better decision-making for better environmental justice: A practical exercise in advance of COP 26
Humanity in Action BiH Team is organizing the next segment in this year's Action Project Lab Series - the First International Webinar. The International Webinar will take place on Thursday, October 28th from 18:00 - 20:00 CEST // 12:00 pm - 2:00 pm EDT and the topic of conversation will be "Better decision-making for better environmental justice: A practical exercise in advance of COP 26."
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Maida becomes President of Network for Building Peace
2022 Fellow Maida Zagorac becomes the President of Network for Building Peace, an organization aiming towards comprehensive renewal of social and economic life in Bosnia and Herzegovina.
Educational module of the 11. cycle of EDVACAY completed
On Human Rights Day, 10th December 2022., the 11th cycle of our program „Encouraging Democratic Values and Active Citizenship Among Youth“ started and gathered 15 Fellows from across Bosnia and Herzegovina.
EDVACAY 2022/23: debate workshop
For the end of our module 1 of EDVACAY, our fellows attended a workshop, as per tradition, facilitated by Ivana Kešić.
Održana radionica u sklopu programa 12 lekcija o NATO-u i BiH
17. i 18. decembra je uspješno održana radionica na Ekonomskom fakultetu UNSA sa grupom učesnika projekta "Priručnik sa 12 lekcija o NATO-u i BiH", koji podržava Ambasada Češke Republike u BiH.
Održani sastanci tima "Good Energy is Good Living" u Banja Luci i Bijeljini
HIA BiH Program Manager presents at the WeBer 2.0 Regional Conference
Our Program Manager Zarja Marković was a part of the panel session "Engaging Civil Society in PAR in Local Level - Examples from the Region" at the 3rd WeBer Regional Conference CITIZENS FIRST in Belgrade, where she presented the outline, goals, impact and findings of our WeBER 2.0 project "Youth Accessing Public Information".
OTVORENI POZIV ZA UČEŠĆE NA PROJEKTU “12 lekcija o NATO-u i Bosni i Hercegovini”
Poziv se odnosi na mlade (diplomante i magistrante) iz cijele BiH, koji imaju razvijen interes za istraživanje sigurnosnih pitanja i uloge multilateralnih institucija u očuvanju globalne sigurnosti, poput NATO-a, i već su pisali diplomski ili magistarski rad na ovu ili slične teme.
HIA BiH otvoreni poziv za učešće na 11. ciklusu PDVIAGMM programa
Humanity in Action BiH jedanaestu godinu zaredom organizuje projekat “Poticanje demokratskih vrijednosti i aktivnog građanstva među mladima”, uz podršku National Endowment for Democracy (NED).