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A code of living: protecting women's health during COVID-19



Landecker Fellow Dr. Asha Shajahan has started a monthly blog on Psychology Today, “combining purpose, knowledge, creativity, and health.” She kickstarted her blog, Code of Living, with her first article “Protecting Women’s Health During COVID-19.” In it, she outlines practices that women can incorporate into their daily lives. She notes the undue burden that is placed on many women, particularly now that many children are engaging in remote learning. Although more men are beginning to help around the house, learned behaviors and stereotypes take time to change, meaning that many women are still left with the main responsibility of housework. As a result, many women have left the workforce, not having the time or mental energy to have another job on top of the full time job that is taking care of the home. Asha’s article acknowledges these challenges and outlines resources for women to stay healthy during the pandemic, whether they be focusing on their home or staying in the workforce.

Read the blog post here.

Asha’s Landecker project centers around fighting coronavirus misinformation and helping doctors educate their patients. Since the beginning of this pandemic, there has been outright false information spread amongst the population. Additionally, with the novel nature of the virus, new information is constantly coming out, sometimes seemingly contradicting previous understandings. She hopes to help doctors consolidate up to date and accurate information to dispel misinformation and help people access the information that they need to stay healthy during this pandemic.

Asha is one of thirty Alfred Landecker fellows. This fellowship, a collaboration between the Alfred Landecker Foundation and Humanity in Action, was created to strengthen a new generation of leaders whose approaches to political and social challenges can become catalysts for democratic placemaking and community building. Read more about the fellowship here.