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Explore the 2020 Copenhagen Fellowship's Open Events



This year the Copenhagen Fellowship 2020 focused on Denmark’s relation to Greenland and the Faeroe Islands. Using a Human Rights lens we dove deep into the pressing realities of this often overlooked region and Denmark’s role in shaping it. During the Fellowship, we hosted four open events where the Copenhagen public was invited to discuss related topics with our Fellows.

All events tried to untangle the complex issues related to the Unity of the Realm, as well as understand what civic engagement and action means in 2020.

Panel Discussion on the Future of the Unity of the Realm

Humanity in Action Denmark had the honor of inviting Aki-Matilda Høegh-Dam (member of Danish Parliament for the Greenlandic party Siumut), Sjúrður Skaale (member of Danish Parliament for the Faroese party Javnaðarflokkurin) and Martin Lidegaard (former Minister for Foreign Affairs and member of Danish Parliament for Radikale Venstre) to a panel debate on the future of the Unity of the Realm.

The debate addressed questions such as: What does the future of the Realm look like? Does the Realm even have a future, or is secession and sovereignty the natural culmination of a long historical development? Should we rather work towards redefining and strengthening the unity, a Unity of the Realm 2.0?

  • Three members of the Danish Parliament, from each country in the Danish Realm, debating its future.
  • Three members of the Danish Parliament, from each country in the Danish Realm, debating its future.
  • The event drew a big crowd despite corona-times.
  • Aki-Matilda Høegh Dam debating with Martin Lidegaard.


A Conversation with Former Chief Rabbi Bent Melchior on Civic Engagement

Humanity in Action Denmark had the pleasure of welcoming former Chief Rabbi Bent Melchior to a conversation on his lifelong civil engagement and what inspired him to fight for refugees and vulnerable groups in our society: namely his own flight from Nazism in October 1943.

Bent Melchior has most recently published a book with Özlem Cecik, written by Anders Jerichow, about their newly established union, Forening Brobyggerne, which holds Bent Melchior as the Chairman of the Board.
With his lifelong civil engagement, presence, and delight for telling, it is always an pleasure to hear Bent speak about his life.

  • Bent Melchior with a captivated audience.
  • Former Chief Rabbi and WWII Refugee Bent Melchior captivating the Cph Fellows of 2020
  • Bent Melchior

A Historic and Current Breakdown of Greenland and the Unity of the Realm

Humanity in Action Denmark also had the pleasure of welcoming historian and former Editor-in-Chief of Politiken, Bo Lidegaard, to the Copenhagen Fellowship 2020. Bo Lidegaard introduced us to his lifelong engagement in Greenland, his newly published book, how Danish/American relations are connected to the world of today, and US President Donald Trump’s “offer” to buy Greenland in the summer of 2019.

Beyond living in Greenland for the first 8 years of his life, Lidegaard has for many years engaged himself in Greenlandic, Danish, and American relations. Most recently Lidegaard has written the highly praised book “Uden Mandat – en biografi om Henrik Kauffmann” (Without Mandate – A Biography of Henrik Kauffmann).

  • Historian and Former Diplomat Bo Lidegaard speaking on the 2020 Copenhagen Fellowship.
  • Historian and Former Diplomat Bo Lidegaard in front of an attentive audience at the 2020 Copenhagen Fellowship.
  • Historian and Former Diplomat Bo Lidegaard speaking on the 2020 Copenhagen Fellowship.

Copenhagen Pride 2020: A Panel Discussion on LGBTQIA+ Rights and Challenges in Greenland and Faroe Islands

Despite COVID-19, Humanity in Action Denmark and the Danish Institute of Human Rights organized a discussion on LGBTQIA+ in the Unity of the Danish Realm: Rights, Challenges and Prospects for the Future.

At this amazing, diverse, and loving place we invited an amazing group of people: Morten Emmerik Wøldike (Head of Gender, Equality and Equal Treatment, Danish Institute for Human Rights: “LGBTI People’s Rights and Life Conditions in Denmark 2020”), Eva Maria Lassen (Senior Researcher, Danish Institute for Human Rights: “Religion and LGBTI rights in Greenland and the Faroe Islands”), Kim Falck-Petersen (Personal Assistant to the Head of the Greenlandic Representation in Denmark), and Oda Ellingsgaar (Talent Acquisition Advisor, Novo Nordisk and LGBT Føroya Board Member). The debate was moderated by Abdel Aziz Mahmoud (TV-Host, Journalist, Author, and Lecturer).

  • 2020 Copenhagen Pride panel debate
  • Panelists Oda Ellingsgaard (LGBT Føoroya), Eva Maria Lassen (Inst. for Human Rights), Kim Falck-Petersen (Greenlandic Representation) and moderator Abdel Aziz Mahmoud (TV-Host).