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The 2023 Humanity in Action Denmark Activity Report is out



We are excited to present the Humanity in Action Denmark Activity Report 2023.

In this Activity Report you can read about the 2023 Copenhagen Fellowship, where we for the first year out of three delved into the topic of Climate Change, Human Rights and Democracies in Crises, as well as all the other activities that Humanity in Action Denmark organized throughout the year.

We would especially like to highlight the 80-year commemoration of the flight and rescue of the Danish Jews in 1943. Humanity in Action Denmark marked this event with a number of activities in the fall of 2023. In the report you can read about our one-day seminar for history teachers, the TV-premier of “Voices in the Void” and especially our big event at the Danish Royal Theatre with, among others, Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II and Danish Prime Minister Mette Frederiksen.

A very special thanks to all of our donors in 2023 – without whom none of this would have been possible.

And a special thanks to the contributors of the Activity Report – without whom it would have been a dull read.