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Arifa Mujahid


Originating from Pakistan, Arifa was raised in Denmark and identifies as a true Copenhagener. She is pursuing her MSc in Comparative Public Policy and Welfare Studies at the University of Southern Denmark at the Danish Centre for Welfare Studies. Academically, she has an interest in the role the Welfare State plays in accommodating the needs of precarious, migrant workers in today’s changing economies and dualized markets. In the coming semester, she will be interning at a private research company and consultancy in Copenhagen that specializes in social research within the areas of minority rights and integration issues. Apart from her academic interests, Arifa has a dedication to sustainability. She was an UNLEASH 2017 Talent and now serves as a Project Officer for the Networks team at the UN’s Sustainable Development Solutions Networks where she helps coordinate a global higher-education engagement program for the Sustainable Development Goals, the SDG Students Program.


Updated May 2019