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Carla Florio


Born in Venezuela, Carla is a MA candidate at Aalborg University, Denmark in Development and International Relations. While in Copenhagen, she volunteered as a project coordinator on a program to prevent children’s separation in Colombia and participated in DIGNITY’s Talent Programme. Before Denmark, Carla received her BA in International Relations at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia, where she was awarded a diploma for being the best student of her cohort. While living there, she did an internship at the Palestinian Embassy and worked at a start-up company as a Key Account Manager. Passionate about culture and the environment, Carla has been involved in different projects that range from campaigning to start a recycling program in her city, Maracaibo, to founding the “Citizen’s Culture Group” at her University in Colombia. In her free time, Carla enjoys reading, travelling, and spending time with all kinds of people.


Updated April 2021