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Victoria Thorsen


Victoria is pursuing her bachelor’s in Law at the University of Copenhagen. Victoria is passionate about securing rights for people being displaced due to persecution, conflict, violence and human rights violations. She has volunteered fulltime for “Operation Dagsværk”, working on a human rights based project on forced migration in Guatemala and a human rights based project on LGBTI-rights in Kenya. She has also completed an internship at the Global Platform Jordan with Action Aid Arab Regional Initiative working on youth activism in the MENA-region. Victoria works as a project assistant for the Danish Refugee Council Youth, producing educational material on refugee matters and law. In her spare time, Victoria volunteers as a legal counselor for unaccompanied refugee minors. She is also monitoring the project on LGBTI-rights in Kenya with the NGO “Sex & Samfund”. Victoria plans to pursue a LLM in International Human Rights Law or Migration Law.


Updated May 2019