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Zelma Lewerissa


Born and raised in Copenhagen, currently studies anthropology at Copenhagen University. At the age of 16, Zelma moved to India to attend United World College for 2 years. One of her main interests is theatre as a tool for social change. At UWC she started a social theatre project with young girls from a local Maharashtrian village. Currently part of the theatre group ‘De Sceneste’, initiated by the Danish Royal Theatre, and aims to involve more young people in Danish theatre world. As response to xenophobic discourses in the Danish media, she attended the course ‘Opinionmaker against Discrimination’ and became a part of the ‘Dialogue ambassadors’, a group of young Jews and Muslims who aims to combat islamophobia and antisemitism and encourage coexistence. As a student job she writes and performs monologues about social issues and minority experiences for the Socioeconomic theatre company C:ntact.


Updated May 2017