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Together with over 3,000 Fellows and Senior Fellows, who are committed to social justice all around the globe, we are an international non-profit, non-partisan and non-governmental organization. Our objective is to facilitate and promote a dialogue to understand and respond to the challenges that democratic societies face as they become increasingly diverse.

Antisemitism, racism, hostility towards Muslims, trans- and homophobia, misogyny and other forms of discrimination and hatred are testing increasingly diverse democratic societies.

Humanity in Action’s educational, networking and leadership programs have for 25 years focused on human rights violations, social tensions and how to address  them.

Today, the need for active and constructive engagement is more pressing than ever. To achieve this, we bring carefully selected students, young professionals and established leaders of diverse backgrounds to the same tables and collectively look at the histories behind contemporary social justice headlines and develop solutions to contemporary human rights challenges.

Seeing beyond the realities our tribes want us to see.

Humanity in Action is one of the great organizations that is making a great contribution, not just to America, but to people around the world. As members of the human family, it is our mission to respect the dignity and the worth of every human being.”


US Representative John Lewis

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