Action Projects - Denmark
Inspiring young people to take action in their communities around the world
Following the on-site Fellowship program, our Fellows work on their individual Action Project: an independent venture focused on promoting democratic values in their own communities. Action Projects are as diverse as Humanity in Action Fellows. Fellows apply their new knowledge and perspectives to the communities they impact—in whatever format they find meaningful. The Humanity in Action community is a great resource for getting support—be it with contacts, experience or good advice.
All Projects
Intersectionality in Danish Preschools
Senior Fellow Malte Hansen developed Intersectional Teaching Practices for Humanity in Action Denmark's Teacher Academy in 2018.
Global Health on the Streets of Aarhus
Senior Fellow Simon Bech biked around Aarhus, Denmark with a trailer in tow to spread awareness of the social aspects to global health issues while funding field work by MSF.
SHE Talks
Always passionate about women and girls' rights, public health and social justice, Senior Fellow Faith Oloruntoba came up with a sex education campaign program encouraging young Nigerian teenage girls to talk freely about "taboo" topics relating to sexual health.
Det Turkise Telt ("The Turquoise Tent")
Det turkise telt’ is a Danish-Turkish arts and music festival that takes place annually during Aarhus Festuge, created by Senior Fellow Cagdas Citirikkaya.
Trampoline House visits Roskilde University - Why do we need an asylum system in Denmark?
Senior Fellows Julian Lo Curlo and Frederico Jensen brought the experiences of recent newcomers to Denmark to Roskilde University.
The Refugees
Humanity in Action Senior Fellow Sara Ridder collaborates with young refugees living in Denmark to tell their story.
Democracy Day, EU and the Refugee Crisis
Senior Fellow Madeeha Mehmood took what she learned from her John Lewis Fellowship and created educational simulations for high school students back in Denmark, enlightening them about democracy, compromise, and the power of media and activists. She strives to light a "fire in their eyes."
ROMA – A Discussion of Diversity and the Treatment of Minorities
Senior Fellow Sahra Josephine Hjorth created ROMA – A Discussion of Diversity and the Treatment of Minorities, which is an online course that teaches about structural racism and contemporary discrimination of Roma people in Europe as well as about the dreams and expectations of Roma youth.