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Intersectionality in Danish Preschools


Senior Fellow Malte Breiding Hansen realized early into his Humanity in Action Fellowship the importance of an understanding of human and minority rights amongst welfare professionals and social workers in Denmark through both Humanity in Action Denmark and Sabaah.

This was his inspiration to create dialogue-based teaching and norm critical exercises, with the hope of challenging participants to reflect on how the issue of intersectionality relates to and potentially challenges their own teaching practices. Malte wanted to focus specifically on preschool classrooms in relation to LGBT+ minority ethnic individuals, a group that is often marginalized in Danish schools.

Malte wants to emphasize the importance of understanding human and minority rights for welfare professionals and social workers in Denmark.

As soon as he found out about Humanity in Action Denmark’s upcoming Teacher Academy, he made contact with the National Director and proposed the idea. Malte wanted to foster change within a larger community, particularly Sabaah, where he interned at the time. Both groups were excited to participate and learn more about intersectionality and its effects on the school system.

Malte was able to reach many teachers through Humanity in Action Denmark’s Teaching Academy, and hopes these teachers will pass the values learned on to their students in classrooms around the country. Today, Malte continues to work as a project coordinator for Outreach conducting projects like this one.