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Cultivating Justice: Exploring the Right to Life for Indigenous Peoples


Climate change threatens indigenous peoples’ homes and way of life.

To educate herself and shed light on the profound impacts of climate change on indigenous communities, Sarah crafted a research paper for her action project. She collaborated with a professor from Copenhagen Faculty of Law, who provided guidance on sources, pertinent laws, and literature. Sarah found it challenging to find enough relevant literature for this paper, showing the need for more knowledge on this topic.

“The genesis of this Action Project traces back to my experiences in Washington DC during the summer of 2023. Engaging in conversations with a fellow, who happened to be a Native American, illuminated the challenges she faced as part of an indigenous community. Her resilience and advocacy for indigenous rights deeply inspired me. Consequently, I resolved to merge two focal points of the Humanity in Action agenda: Climate Change and Indigenous Peoples’ Rights”

You can read Sarah’s paper here.