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Navigating the Murky Media Waters


As a part of the Humanity in Action’s 2019 Sarajevo Fellowship, new Fellows from Bosnia and Herzegovina, the US, and other parts of Europe created a civic campaign aimed at increasing media literacy in Bosnia & Herzegovina. HIA Fellows Bişenk Ergin, Noor Evers, Julie Arnfred Bojesen, and Lejla Bašić created a board game to introduce media literacy to young people by mixing fun, games, and education to teach how to navigation through murky media waters.

The board game was presented at a lunch meeting in hopes of one day being implemented in a classroom setting. Fellows invited different people from civil society with varying areas of expertise to learn about the game, give feedback, and have a general discussion on how to introduce media literacy into the education curriculum in Bosnia.

It is important for young people to understand media production, as well as what is behind each and every step. They decided to put the lunch attendees in the position of journalists and took ethical elements from the five  journalistic principles and brought them together with reality-based examples of Bosnia & Herzegovina.

This project is generously supported by: